Things I am looking forward to and new term.

Hello hope everyone is doing well, Its September so a new term a new start so most of you lot have started school, secondary or even sixth form, How did you feel on your first day? If you have started year 7 in secondary school how was it?Do you know anyone from your class?  Have you made friends?  how are you finding it? I know the feeling as I have been in your shoes starting a new school and not having your friends from primary in the same secondary school is weird but you become fine and make new friends.

Last month for me  went really quick for me with wedding season and other stuff going on as it was summer break having people stay over, spending time with niece and nephew.

I can't wait for the colder  months the weather in London has gone cold and many of us have a cold or have gotten better I hope if you are ill or have a cold you get well soon. Its the weather and most of us are ill with a temperature or just a cough. But if you are working with children get ready to get ill a lot as they sneeze on you and of course they are small so they get ill quick.

Let me know what things are you looking forward to,

Things I can't wait to happen is for it to be autumn and to have a extra lie in and to also be all cozy with the heater on and of course buying new autumn and winter clothes.

I hope this month goes really well and I hope you are enjoying school.

Have fun and make new friends.

Forever Beauty.

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