1. Dress up
This is the best time to dress up and look your best where something that will suit your body shape.
2. Your not center of attention
So no one will talk about your wedding it depend if its a Asian wedding everyone is looking at what you are wearing but the center of attention mostly goes to the bride and groom.
3. Busy
when you have nothing to do and are getting bored from your holiday you can attend the wedding and enjoy yourself.
4. Wedding invitation floods your house which means your booked from June to September.
Here are some online shops to order from:
New look
River island
M &S
and many more.
Asian online websites
Rupail online- www.rupailonline.com
Diya online
Suits me
Bombay Look
Ustav fashion
Trendy collection
Here are some pictures from Asian weddings.
Here are some wedding halls.
Have fun and enjoy your time.
Forever Beauty.
I hope this post has helped.
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