Here are 5 tips for this half term for revising:
1. Get organised
Make sure you have your notes organised so you don't forget any important information for a exam. Being organised will help you in everyday life.
2. Make a plan
So get a bit of paper and draw up a vague plan of what you’re going to do on each day. Try to work it so it lends itself to how you learn, for example if you need variety and change, then do a different topic or subject each day. But if you work better in depth, give yourself the time to really get to work in one subject.
3.Mix it up
- Flashcards – as well as flashcards you make yourself on paper, these are very effective because they feel quite game-like, meaning they’ll re-engage you if you feel yourself starting to wane.
- Past papers – practise on past papers.
- Mock essays – gives you a feel for time constraints and what it’ll be like in the real thing!
- Consolidate/re-write notes – because you’ll inevitably find notes that no longer maker sense to you now.
- Listening to foreign language podcasts – quite like a practise paper for listening exams.
- Test yourself – and give yourself rewards for correct answers!Writing post-it notes – to stick around so you absorb information through osmosis- revise and collaborate with friends (especially for oral exams). Again, this will just makes things that little bit more entertaining.
- Make mind maps – vocab and concepts that are linked in your mind will be easier to remember.
but don't over do it.
5. Make time for you.
While we encourage making use of the half term to study and get prepared, it’s so so important to take time out to relax and enjoy yourself.
So try to plan your revision so it’s not all day every day. Perhaps you could get up early and work for a few hours so you can then spend a good part of the day enjoying yourself.
Getting the studying out of the way means you won’t have it hanging over you and having things to look forward to, like meeting up with friends or a trip to the cinema, will keep you motivated.
Always bring things you need!
You need to work hard by revising to get what you want.
Only you can do it because if you really want that A grade you need to work for it.
Prove the people wrong but getting the grades you can get.
Its NOW OR NEVER you have to study hard to get your goal.
Forever Beauty.
Stay blessed and study more.
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